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Protecting your rights with a real estate lawyer

5 Ways Title Insurance Protection Is Vital For Your Investment

2021-01-04T21:07:36-05:00January 11th, 2021|

We have the 19th-century expansion of the American frontier to thank for the creation of title insurance. As the debate over land ownership became epidemic, Title insurance protection became necessary. Settlers became unsure of whose land they were cultivating, and this led them to seek methods of mitigating the risk of their property becoming embroiled [...]

Understanding Your Rights When Buying A Property With An Easement

2020-09-23T08:22:40-04:00September 28th, 2020|

Whether you own a commercial or personal property in Florida, you need to know about easements. A property with an easement can affect your rights. An easement is the right to enter another person’s land, even though you don’t have an ownership interest in that property. Identifying a Property With An Easement There is no [...]

How To Conduct An Insurance Title Search

2020-05-18T08:49:02-04:00May 25th, 2020|

Before you can finance or purchase a property, you need to ensure the seller has the right to sell it. It may sound unnecessary, but there are a few reasons to consider a title search before you close the deal. What Is a Title Search? This involves going through the public records. The point is [...]

Commercial Leasing – 6 Tips You Need To Read Before Signing

2020-05-05T03:55:06-04:00May 11th, 2020|

In the state of Florida, a commercial lease agreement gives the landlord important paperwork to enter a rental agreement on his or her property. Commercial leasing is more complicated than a residential lease. It calls for careful handling during negotiations. Before you enter into a commercial lease agreement, you need a thorough understanding of what [...]

10 Questions To Ask Your Council About Zoning Laws

2020-04-21T03:14:46-04:00April 27th, 2020|

Zoning laws dictate what type of structure may be built. They also stipulate if an existing property can be repurposed, or whether an existing structure can be replaced or not. Even if these aren’t changes that you’re thinking about, you might know someone who is. Understanding your local zoning laws will ensure you get the [...]

Sanford Small Business Zoning Laws – 5 Things You Need To Know

2020-03-22T07:18:56-04:00March 23rd, 2020|

Local governments make use of zoning to protect the community’s health and safety while encouraging growth. Zoning laws, sometimes called land use regulations or zoning ordinances, also regulate the features of a building, along with the required setback from the street. Different Zoning Laws for Different Businesses Zoning laws aren’t quite like the weather or [...]

Commercial Leasing In Downtown Sanford – The Legal Stuff

2020-03-02T06:29:53-05:00March 9th, 2020|

.With more brick-and-mortar businesses struggling, commercial landlords have a lot on their plate. Commercial landlords in Downton Sanford face lengthy and complex evictions if their tenants can no longer pay the rent. Fail to conduct the eviction properly along with strict Florida leasing laws can impact a landlord’s remedies. To help limit the loss of [...]

The Only Way To Deal With Landowner Disputes

2020-01-06T09:51:34-05:00January 13th, 2020|

There’s that saying about good fences and good neighbors that you’ve probably heard, and for the most part, it rings true. But what happens when a property line, fence or tree issue results in a neighborly argument? Most disputes are easy enough to work through. Yet some turn ugly quickly. Whether it’s a matter of [...]

What You Can Do When Your Tenant Doesn’t Respond To Your Notices

2019-09-02T05:35:03-04:00September 9th, 2019|

The rental law in Florida is clear in how the relationship between landlords and tenants must progress. Landlords have the right to evict a tenant should they fail to pay the rent within a specified period, which is outlined in the leasing agreement. Failure to respond to an eviction summons or other official notices can [...]

Can You Use Your Home As a Business If the Area Isn’t Zoned for Business?

2019-06-03T08:43:14-04:00June 10th, 2019|

  In most cases, operating a business from your home isn’t legal. Most U.S. laws limit the locations and under what conditions a business can operate. Yet, if every illegal home-run business in the country were shut down, millions of companies would be impacted, the economy would suffer a major blow, and the country could [...]

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