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Conquering Stresses of Closing.

Closing a Business? 6 Things to Do First

2021-03-02T14:18:56-05:00March 22nd, 2021|

About one in twelve businesses close each year. Closing a business is a tough decision that requires you to take several steps. You cannot simply walk away and abandon the company.  You need to limit your potential for liability moving forward. To do this, you need to do these six things.  1. Seek Out Legal Advice  Before [...]

How To Conduct An Insurance Title Search

2020-05-18T08:49:02-04:00May 25th, 2020|

Before you can finance or purchase a property, you need to ensure the seller has the right to sell it. It may sound unnecessary, but there are a few reasons to consider a title search before you close the deal. What Is a Title Search? This involves going through the public records. The point is [...]

How Does Escrow Work and How It Benefits You

2019-05-19T16:23:18-04:00May 27th, 2019|

Escrow is a fact of life for many people, especially mortgage escrow accounts. Often, your escrow account simply runs in the background. You might not give it a second thought unless something goes wrong. You make your mortgage payments, some of it goes to the lender, and the other goes to the escrow service. Eventually, [...]

Preventing Common Hiccups In the Escrow Process

2019-05-06T05:39:50-04:00May 13th, 2019|

Buying a house is daunting. The entire process can be complicated. It’s also a process many people aren’t prepared for. There are so many different elements to buying and selling a property. From the home inspection and an offer to getting a mortgage approved, there’s a lot involved. One of the hardest elements to get [...]

The Closing: 8 Tips for Stress-free Home Buyers

2018-03-08T17:45:55-05:00March 5th, 2018|

Closing on a home means you are about to plunge into a new life as a homeowner. Several people gather to facilitate the buyers and sellers at real estate closings. This can automatically put home-buyers in an stressful situation. For the homeowner-to-be, signing the final papers resonates with an almost ritual sense of deep [...]

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