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So far Shivon Patel has created 172 blog entries.

4 Ways You Can Get Your Tenant To Pay Back Rent

2019-03-04T12:59:28-05:00March 11th, 2019|

When it comes to renters, Florida has one of the highest populations in the country. Of the 19 million people living here, more than 2 million are renters. While the state boasts one of the largest populations of tenants, the landlord-tenant law in Florida is somewhat vague for landlords trying to get their rent. Knowing [...]

Small Business – How To Identify Loan Covenants

2019-02-18T02:45:42-05:00February 25th, 2019|

When your small business applies for a bank loan, and it’s approved, the loan agreement will likely contain loan or restrictive covenants. It’s simply a statement between lender and borrower stating that your small business can and can’t do certain things while you’re paying on the loan. If the bank considers your business high risk, [...]

Florida State Zoning And Land Regulations

2019-02-02T11:04:43-05:00February 11th, 2019|

Before you start a business in an industrial area in Florida, you need the proper licenses, permits, and regulations. While regulations vary from one industry to another, it’s important to understand the zoning and land regulations in the area where your business is to open. Failing to comply with regulations can result in a costly [...]

Dealing With Boundary Ownership Disputes In Florida

2019-01-19T13:40:06-05:00January 28th, 2019|

An argument over real estate property and boundary lines can cause a great deal of uncertainty. Perhaps you and your neighbor have different expectations in terms of boundary ownership. A common type of boundary dispute is called technical causes. When you are embroiled in a technical boundary dispute, it means your neighbor’s deed indicates possession [...]

Things You Need to Know About Buying Foreclosed Property

2019-01-06T13:10:44-05:00January 14th, 2019|

A foreclosure refers to the process where a lending institution attempts to recover a portion of outstanding mortgage from a homeowner who’s defaulted on the loan. Typically, the lender will sell that property at a foreclosure auction. For real estate investors and home buyers, it’s often a good opportunity to buy low. However, buying a [...]

When To Use An Attorney Opinion Letter

2018-12-17T09:04:56-05:00December 24th, 2018|

An attorney opinion letter is a formal piece of advice or an expression of judgment. It’s based on a professional’s expert knowledge. An opinion letter mostly refers to a document that contains an attorney’s understanding of the law. Whether you want to avoid costly litigation or correctly navigate your way through a current lawsuit, you [...]

5 Steps for Dissolving a Business in Florida

2018-12-17T09:31:31-05:00December 17th, 2018|

With starting a new business comes optimism and hope. Dissolving a business, though, might or might not be a positive affair. It’s true that formally closing a business, in some cases, may just mean it’s time to move on to something else. Sometimes, though, a business has no other option but to end operations when [...]

The Short Sale Process for Financial Distress

2018-11-20T18:16:19-05:00November 26th, 2018|

Around the country, families are turning to different forms of debt relief to keep their properties and avoid bankruptcy. In the second quarter of 2018, more than 188,000 people filed for foreclosure. There’s no denying that foreclosure is traumatic for everyone, not to mention the fact that it can lead to a bad credit score. [...]

What You Need to Know About Being a Health Care Surrogate

2018-11-20T17:58:02-05:00November 5th, 2018|

It’s human nature not to want to plan ahead for things we’d prefer to avoid, like illness or death. Yet, 42% of Americans have a friend or relative the suffer from a terminal illness. There might just be a time when you need someone to step in and take care of your health care decisions. [...]

How To Get Result Orientated Solutions For Your Business

2018-11-20T17:39:10-05:00October 29th, 2018|

Isn’t “Results Oriented” A Buzzword? What does it mean to be “results oriented?” On the surface, it sounds like a click bait phrase employed to make a simple idea--focus as a positive quality--into a multi-syllable buzzword. Unfortunately, a lot of so called professional blogs, sites, and social media pages are very “results oriented” when the [...]

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