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Legal Protection For Your Child in an Emergency

When Should You Appoint a Pre-Need Guardian?

2019-03-18T03:36:40-04:00March 25th, 2019|

As a parent, you’ve probably thought about what will happen to your child should you no longer be able to care for them or yourself. But have you considered a pre-need guardian? Having a pre-need guardianship document drawn up in the event of something affecting yourself and your property is an important parenting step. It’s [...]

Legal Protection for your 18 Year Old College Child in Emergency: Special Alert!

2018-06-28T04:41:28-04:00June 27th, 2018|

Did you know your child becomes a legal stranger to you the minute he or she turns 18?  Legal adulthood happens at 18 in most states. If there is an emergency medical situation, you have no more legal rights over him or her than over a stranger you never met or the 40-year-old friend who [...]

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