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So far Shivon Patel has created 175 blog entries.

Protection for Your Young Adult, Part 2

2018-07-23T12:44:07-04:00July 8th, 2018|

Protection for your child is an easy matter when they are minors.  But, how do you give your baby legal protection when he or she reaches 18?  More over, how do you protect them if they are unconscious or seriously hurt?  At Principal Law, we know your children doesn't stop needing your protection just because [...]

Legal Protection for your 18 Year Old College Child in Emergency: Special Alert!

2018-06-28T04:41:28-04:00June 27th, 2018|

Did you know your child becomes a legal stranger to you the minute he or she turns 18?  Legal adulthood happens at 18 in most states. If there is an emergency medical situation, you have no more legal rights over him or her than over a stranger you never met or the 40-year-old friend who [...]

Happy Father’s Day, Super Heroes and Rising Stars 2018

2018-06-15T20:24:56-04:00June 13th, 2018|

Father's Day is our first order of business in today's blog. We honor Father's Day as a day of tribute, not only to fathers but to all the men who have influenced our lives with kindness, wise counsel, and generosity. Principal Law wishes a Happy Father’s Day.  And special wishes to the step-fathers, brothers-in-law, uncles, [...]

Irrevocable and Revocable Trusts,Taxes and Florida Facts, Pt. I

2018-06-04T01:36:37-04:00June 2nd, 2018|

Irrevocable and revocable trusts are taxed differently, which makes sense since they are different entities. An irrevocable trust is a trust that “cannot be modified, amended or terminated without the permission of the grantor's named beneficiary or beneficiaries.”  In contrast, as indicated in our previous blog, a grantor in a revocable trust can alter or [...]

Memorial Day Observations, 2018: Keeping it Real with Principal Law

2018-05-27T11:21:18-04:00May 24th, 2018|

Today Principal Law departs from the usual custom of writing about the latest legal news to bring you information about the upcoming Memorial Day holiday in the U.SA.  The three day Memorial Day Holiday is a time when we will see happy crowds of family and friends celebrating the arrival of the first official weekend [...]

Who Will Be The Trustee of Your Revocable Living Trust?

2018-05-12T14:23:32-04:00May 11th, 2018|

In a sense, choosing your trustee is one of the first and best advantages of establishing a revocable trust.  When you choose a trustee, you watch him or her administer your estate while you are living, lucid and in control of the situation. Making the Right Decision about a Trustee for your Revocable Living Trust [...]

The Mystery of the Revocable Trust Revealed by Principal Law

2018-05-11T03:57:08-04:00April 28th, 2018|

As promised, Principal Law delves deeper into the mystery of legal arrangements you must consider if you are planning your estate.  First, however, let us remind you that research on the internet is no substitute for a consultation with a lawyer.  Legal articles can only introduce you to the concepts behind the law.  To obtain [...]

Estate Planning Madness and Mini-case Studies for the 21st Century

2018-04-21T15:05:18-04:00April 18th, 2018|

Estate Planning is not on any individual’s or couple’s list for date night or fun activities.  And yet planning your estate is crucial to your life, no matter what your age or financial status.  At Principal Law, we believe the process of estate planning is like creating a love letter to the family and friends [...]

Secrets of a Living Will, Last Will and Living Trust 2018

2018-05-07T22:47:23-04:00April 9th, 2018|

Secrets of Life: We believe this is a wonderful time of year to make a certain visit to your attorney.  And you can discover some of the secrets of what we delicately call “Estate Planning.”  Contrary to popular belief, this is not a law visit that is just meant for the Kardashians.  Principal Law believes [...]

Spring Greetings from Principal Law: Reflect, Renew, Rejoice

2018-03-28T16:26:11-04:00March 28th, 2018|

Spring brings us all a reason to pause.  Gary Zukav wrote, “The spring wakes us, nurtures us and revitalizes us.                        An  Authentic Message of Thanks Fly Your Way! How often does your spring come?”  This seems to refer to a seasonal time [...]

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