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So far Shivon Patel has created 175 blog entries.

5 Business Law Myths Debunked

2021-05-14T23:04:17-04:00May 22nd, 2021|

You've probably heard several myths about business law attorneys. They sound compelling but simply aren't true.  Believing business law myths can end up costing you. We debunk five of the most common business law myths so that you can better protect your business. 1. Myth: Lawyers Destroy Small Businesses Lawyers get a bad reputation because they [...]

It’s a Hot Housing Market! 4 Reasons You Should Have an Attorney with You at Closing

2021-05-01T12:39:17-04:00May 8th, 2021|

While Florida real estate law doesn't require you to hire an attorney for your real estate closing, it's a smart idea to work with one. Hiring a lawyer to represent you during your real estate transactions will provide you with several benefits. They are the only one that can give you legal advice and guidance. [...]

7 Reasons to Hire a Reputable Attorney for Your Small Business

2021-04-14T10:11:59-04:00April 22nd, 2021|

About 20 percent of businesses fail within the first year. By the end of the second year, 30 percent of small businesses fail. Don't take this to be discouraging, though. You can learn from these failures and protect your investment by hiring an attorney for your small business. Experience these six benefits when you hire an [...]

Selling a Business? 5 Things to Discuss with Your Attorney First

2021-04-01T21:51:20-04:00April 8th, 2021|

How you ever considered selling a business? You've worked hard to build your business. It started as an idea, then became a reality. From there, it grew into a viable business that makes you a steady profit. Now is the time to consider selling your profitable business to an interested buyer. Selling a business is [...]

Closing a Business? 6 Things to Do First

2021-03-02T14:18:56-05:00March 22nd, 2021|

About one in twelve businesses close each year. Closing a business is a tough decision that requires you to take several steps. You cannot simply walk away and abandon the company.  You need to limit your potential for liability moving forward. To do this, you need to do these six things.  1. Seek Out Legal Advice  Before [...]

6 Reasons to Avoid Free Online Legal Help

2021-03-02T10:26:42-05:00March 8th, 2021|

When you need answers, what's the first thing you do? If you're like most people, you pull out your phone, tablet, or laptop and do a quick Google search. About 3.5 billion Google searches happen every day. Many of these queries are looking for online legal help. While it makes sense to start your search for [...]

5 Real Estate Law Situations You Can’t Afford to Face Without an Attorney

2021-02-16T16:51:00-05:00February 22nd, 2021|

With real estate investment on the rise, more and more people are getting involved in more complicated real estate transactions. Whether you're an experienced real estate investor or buying your first property, there are several situations where real estate law can become complicated. Real estate law can be complicated and confusing when conflict arises. An [...]

4 Ways an Attorney Can Help You Navigate Elder Care

2021-02-01T22:04:36-05:00February 8th, 2021|

As many as 34.2 million Americans care for an elderly loved one. Elder care is a growing need in our country, and many people are faced with countless questions as they navigate this new role and set of responsibilities. Hiring an attorney can provide you with much-needed guidance. Your attorney has experience with elder care [...]

Employee Contract Language You Need for 2021

2021-01-04T23:08:56-05:00January 25th, 2021|

Florida is an "at-will" employment state. This means that there is no employee contract, and either you or your employee can terminate employment at any time for any reason that doesn't violate the law. There doesn't even have to be a particular reason other than either of you don't want to continue the working relationship. [...]

5 Ways Title Insurance Protection Is Vital For Your Investment

2021-01-04T21:07:36-05:00January 11th, 2021|

We have the 19th-century expansion of the American frontier to thank for the creation of title insurance. As the debate over land ownership became epidemic, Title insurance protection became necessary. Settlers became unsure of whose land they were cultivating, and this led them to seek methods of mitigating the risk of their property becoming embroiled [...]

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