Spring brings us all a reason to pause.  Gary Zukav wrote, “The spring wakes us, nurtures us and revitalizes us.

Spring Greetings That Mean More Than Hello!

                       An  Authentic Message of Thanks Fly Your Way!

How often does your spring come?”  This seems to refer to a seasonal time in the soul, not just in the garden.

Spring inspires us to reflect on priorities, to renew our zest for life and to rejoice with gratitude for the natural beauty we love.

We set aside the law books here at Principal Law for just a few moments.  We take time to engage those three fine “R” words:  Reflect, Renew, Rejoice.   And we submit to our readers, clients and friends, a most unusual blog.

This article is a message from the heart.  It is a Spring greeting written with a love for nature and human nature as only one who loves the law can write it.

A Spring Message in 3 “R’s”

We greet you, and we thank you.  For, in this spring, you, our clients and friends have made our hearts bloom with appreciation.  Working with you brings us untold joy.

Spring revitalizes our hopes and dreams.

The mascots of the Spring holiday greet us with glee.

We are, as a culture, always so busy that we never have time to thank the people we meet day to day.  But in the breeze and birdsong of an early spring morning, there’s an almost illegal magic.

The First Key to Spring Spirit at Principal Law: A Reflection of Gratitude

Gratitude.  And it just flits across the mind like a darting bird.  And from that reflection, that moment of thought came the urge to say “Thank you” to our clients and friends.  And mean it.

Perhaps key to this impulsive article is within the breeze and the blossoms of the new season.  Writer,  Harriet Ann Jacobs, put it this way, “The Beautiful spring came, and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.”

That is what happened this morning.  In the fraction of a second came the impulse to be grateful for working here and now, in this community of Central Florida.  Thus, “reflecting” on a spirit of gratitude led to the second “R” word.  A special thanks go out to those I work with at the Florida Hospital Foundation.  This is the Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools and Sports 4 the Kids.  Accomplishing missions for our community, with your noble minds and valiant hearts brings me high rewards.

The Second Key to Spring Spirit at Principal Law: Renew

And thus, the reflection on gratitude led me to the second “R” word, “Renew. ” Faced with this glorious spring day, I felt I must renew my commitments.

Spring symbols flower all around us.

Spring symbols have arrived in the fashion world.

…to my community,

…to my family,

…and to my clients,

…to my chosen practice of the law.

…even to my winter-weary hopes and dreams.

The Principal Law Spring Pledge:

I renew my commitment to bring you, my friends and clients, a responsive attitude in the face of legal situations.

  1. Likewise, I re-commit my dedication to my lifelong study of the law.
  2. Therefore, we at Principal Law choose the coming holiday weekend to re-dedicate ourselves to meticulous attention to every detail of your legal situation.  Our efforts will exceed your expectations.
  3. Our promise is to bring you the expertise and wisdom to help you uncover solutions when you seem buried in a legal problem.
  4. After all, it seems like the buds of spring are well buried in winter snow.  But the warm sunshine brings a comprehensive solution.  So it can be in the symmetry of matching a legal solution with the appropriate balance of the law.
  5. Even this blog is part of our commitment to keep our community informed of the legal news of importance, here and out in the world beyond us.  We intend to bring you legal information, to both educate you on issues and advocate for you, if needed.  We have spent recent weeks clarifying such concepts as title search and title insurance in connection with the most misunderstood details of your home closing   Likewise, you can look forward to learning about the Floridian world of probate, trusts and wills in April, according to the somewhat quirky laws of our state.

The Third Key to the Spring Spirit:  Rejoice

We have seen the world of style and fashion embrace the flower crown as a symbol of the new season.  Now, a law office is not conducive to wearing such outward symbols of our connection to nature.  But we are wearing the beauty, peace and joy of these magical days before summer, in our hearts.

That is why we end our Special Message for you with the third “R” word, “Rejoice.”  An ancient warrior once said, “Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun.  And we shall soon see the results of their love!”  The warrior’s name was Sitting Bull, a great American Indian Chief.

And his words remind us that spring has always brought forth delicious foods for the heart, soul and the palate.  We know many of you and your families will be feasting on these gifts of the season this weekend.  Celebrate!

The Terrific Take-Away for your Spring Holiday:

We hope these first days of spring allow you to dance, sing, or just breathe in the fragrant air.  And we wish you the power to celebrate with nature in a new season of hope and revitalization.

And now we close with a few more spring-inspired words from Gary Zukav:

“We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming.

We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are.

They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse.

But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives.” 

The Notes for Our Spring Message!

The “R’s” of Spring, discovered in spring 2018, at Principal Law Firm.