Labor Day marks the end of summer and for many, it is the last care-free summer holiday before fall schedules and school terms take over their lives.
Mysterious Holiday: Labor Day

Labor Day History and its Heritage Touches Our Working Life Every Day
Labor Day is such a mysterious and perhaps misunderstood holiday that we depart from our usual law topics.
So, welcome to a special Labor Day blog from Principal Law Firm, P.L.
First of all, we take this opportunity to send out Happy Labor Day congratulations to the 162 million American workers who enrich our country today.
Most people only vaguely know the details of Labor Day as a day we send out our respect and honor to all average American workers. Most of us only think of food, family and fun.
Family and Fun Time to Close the Summer Season
It is true that picnics, parties, and parades will consume our nation’s energy this coming long weekend. We will celebrate Monday’s holiday spirit with camping, swimming, boating, and back-yard barbecuing.
On a Slightly More Serious Labor Day Note
Principal Law Firm, P.L. sends out a sincere wish that everyone could take a moment to honor the meaning and history of this holiday. Sometimes we get so involved with picnics and parades and parties, that we forget the reason this Labor Day holiday was nationalized. And it has a lot to do with the law.
Historical, Quiet Protest and the First Labor Day
Although known in Canada as part of May celebrations, the first American Labor Day was in New York City. And it’s quite a story. Basically, the entire idea was instigated by 10,000 marching men in 1882.
And they had plenty to protest in the days of the Industrial Revolution. That day, September 5, 1882, their march was peaceful. Their heartfelt protest was the customary ten-hour workday, although some people worked even longer hours.
Labor Day Holiday: Born from Labor Reform
Imagine the working conditions of that time period:
The Benefits of Labor Day Were Achieved from Hard Battles Over Many Years
Unsafe working conditions were rampant. (No wonder fire was feared. There were no laws existed for sprinkler systems in NYC in those days.)
- There are labor stories from this time in history that could melt the hardest hearts. For example, see the story of March 25, 1911, the date of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company factory fire in New York City. This fire killed 145 workers. “It is remembered as one of the most infamous incidents in American industrial history. The deaths were largely preventable. Most of the “victims died as a result of neglected safety features and locked doors within the factory building.”
The lives of workers during that time period were nothing like ours. No laws protected them.
- Child labor (Childcare was just no problem because a 5-year-old girl could work right beside her mother in a sweatshop. Of course, both would have quotas.)
- Low pay was the standard.
- 10-16 hour workdays were commonplace.
But on that day, the first Labor Day Celebration in 1882, protesting and speeches erupted into massive picnicking instead of violence. That’s right, massive picnicking followed the massive picketing on that first NYC Labor Day. (Now you know where the cook-out custom originated.)
All of this happened on September 5, 1882.
Slow Growth of Labor Reform
However, incredible as it seems, our society had to wait until 1916 for the 8 hour day to become legal. The change was authorized by the Adamson Act. And there is more behind that story in the eyes of history, and Labor Reform Laws.
That story begins a year after the NYC peaceful demonstration and celebration of the first Labor Day. It began when an 1883 economic depression caused a downhill slide in the purchase of rail-cars for passenger trains.
“Railroad company owner George Pullman cut workers’ wages but refused to lower their rents. A nation-wide labor strike ensued…” History reports that a violent battle erupted. The conflict was so intense that “President Grover Cleveland called in military muscle…”
The unfortunate statistics from that clash included “30 deaths, 57 injured, and $80M dollars in property damage.” So we can understand that President Cleveland was eager to make Labor Day a federal holiday in 1894. He rushed Congress into creating the official holiday.
However, “it would take 23 more years for the Adamson Act to pass. And this is the act that established the 8-hour workday and 40-hour workweek we know today…”
Those are the historical events behind the Holiday we are about to enjoy. Only if we know the history and the heritage, can we appreciate it.
And Now: Back to the 21st Century:

Labor Days Mean More Traffic and More Danger on the Road. Drive Safely.
Please do not become a Labor Day Statistic. Labor Day like all summer holidays, is also a time of great traffic as we exit our cities to outlying parks, lakes, and beaches.
Thus we take a moment to caution you about traffic safety. We don’t want any of our friends, clients or future clients and friends to become statistical victims.
CBS News recently reported, “Knowing these dangers probably will not deter you from driving to your holiday celebrations.” And they added, their number one safety driving tip for all holidays.
“Texting or other distracted driving is more dangerous than driving drunk. If you need to tell your relatives you are running late, pull over.”
Still in the 21st Century: Shocking Statistics for Labor Day Traffic Fatalities
Some statistics fill us with dismay. “According to The National Safety Council (NSC), Each Labor Day weekend, an average of “400 Americans are involved in fatal car accidents. An additional approximately 49,000 people will experience non-fatal medically consulted injuries.” (These are “injuries serious enough to seek medical care).”
We at Principal Law Firm, P.L. would feel remiss if we did not caution you about the consumption of alcohol and driving on the nation’s busy holiday roads.
Drink Responsibly. These are magic words. Sure, have a good time with family and friends at your party, but either hire transportation or designate a sober driver. We are concerned about your life and the lives of your friends.
Breaking News: Alarming Labor Day Statistics

With Labor Day, We Honor the Last Days of the Summer Season with Family and Fun
The National Safety Council has issued special alerts about this year’s traffic. The figures for 2018 might be worse than the previous average. The National Safety Council has increased the average estimate to “420 people may die on U.S. roads this Labor Day holiday period.”
By the Way, Labor Day is More than a Day
When you read statistics such as the ones above, keep in mind they often refer to the entire long weekend, not just one day.
Did you know that officially, Labor Day is a 3.25-day weekend? And it consists of Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday? In 2018, the Labor Day weekend extends from 6 p.m. Friday, August 31, to 11:59 p.m. Monday, September 3.
Principal Law Firm, P.L. urges you to drive safely and enjoy this unique holiday. We also hope you appreciate honor the Day that has come to our country through the workers of the Industrial Revolution.
This labor day, we reflect gratefully upon all that workers of this country have done…and continue to do…to make our country great.
Have a Happy-and safe-Labor Day from Principal Law Firm, P.L.