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So far Shivon Patel has created 174 blog entries.

The 5 Most Ignored Warning Signs A Home is No Good

2022-08-01T14:51:09-04:00August 22nd, 2022|

About 75% of homeowners have at least one regret about their home purchase. For some, this regret is that they underestimated the total cost of the purchase. For others, the regret is more serious, such as the location and unexpected repairs or maintenance. It's easy to get caught up in purchasing a less-than-ideal home, especially [...]

Debt and Your Home: The Ultimate Guide on How to Deal With a Mortgage

2022-08-01T16:58:09-04:00August 8th, 2022|

At the end of 2018, 4.3% or 2.2 million homes had negative equity. This is a significant improvement from 2008 when more than half of mortgaged homes experienced negative equity. So, what is negative equity, and how does it affect your mortgage? This is just one of many situations that you can face when you [...]

Financing: Everything You Need to Know

2022-07-15T21:57:49-04:00July 22nd, 2022|

A record number of new business applications are getting filed, with 5.4 million submitted in 2021 alone. Yet, while the entrepreneurial spirit is inspiring, many of the people starting these businesses do not have the capital necessary to make their new venture a success. So, what is financing, and how can business financing help your [...]

The Probate Process Explained

2022-06-13T11:05:15-04:00June 22nd, 2022|

About 200,000 people pass away in Florida each year. For each one of these people, there is an estate that must be handled. There are three methods for handling a deceased's estate in Florida, formal, summery, and disposition without administration. Not every estate goes through probate. However, knowing the probate process can help you understand [...]

Inheritance: 5 Things to Know

2022-06-02T14:19:08-04:00June 8th, 2022|

You've just found out that you were named in someone's will. There is a range of feelings and emotions that come with this. It's important not to rush because your decisions today can have a lasting effect on your inheritance. In addition, the intense emotions of grief can impact your decision-making skills. This guide will [...]

5 Most Common Estate Planning Questions

2022-05-02T20:32:47-04:00May 22nd, 2022|

Despite COVID increasing Americans' awareness of estate planning, only 33% of us have an estate plan. If you are a part of the vast majority that do not have a plan, there's no better time than the present to start estate planning. When getting started, you'll begin to ask questions. Don't worry; these are common, [...]

The 5 Signs I Need to Hire a Probate Attorney

2022-05-02T21:52:36-04:00May 8th, 2022|

Florida circuit probate courts issued over 68,000 dispositions from July 2020 through June 2021. While many of these dispositions were fairly simple, not all estates qualify for simple distribution. If you find yourself facing a complicated probate situation, you may need assistance navigating the issues at hand. This is when it's time to ask, what [...]

5 Things to Know About Succession Planning for Your Business

2022-04-13T00:51:13-04:00April 22nd, 2022|

You've worked hard to build your business into something that you can be proud of. However, without succession planning, all of that hard work goes to waste should you no longer be the one leading the team. While no one wants to think about their time ending with a company they've founded, that day eventually [...]

6 Estate Planning Errors That Will Cost Your Family Money

2022-03-21T16:55:16-04:00April 8th, 2022|

One out of every 700 deaths results in paying federal estate taxes. While this is a small fraction of the US population, it isn't the only source of end-of-life expenses. If you want to know how to avoid high pay-outs, learn about these five common mistakes. 1. Taking the DIY Approach With so many resources [...]

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