elder care

As many as 34.2 million Americans care for an elderly loved one. Elder care is a growing need in our country, and many people are faced with countless questions as they navigate this new role and set of responsibilities.

Hiring an attorney can provide you with much-needed guidance. Your attorney has experience with elder care and estate planning. With their assistance, you can ensure that your elderly loved one is cared for throughout the rest of their life.

Consider these four benefits when deciding if you need an attorney for the elderly that you care for.

1. Advise on What Is Best

Frequently, conflicts arise between family members over what is best. Differences of opinions will arise over what care is best, the right financial decisions, and who should get the final say. These can be tough to resolve as people allow their emotions to influence their decisions and actions.

Hiring an attorney to represent your elderly family member ensures that their best interests are looked out for. Your attorney will be an educated and experienced voice of reason on what is best. They’ll also provide advice that doesn’t have the influence of emotions clouding their judgment.

2. Develop a Long Term Plan

You may be caring for your loved one right now, but you may not be able to continue this elder care forever. Your attorney can assist with devising a long term plan. This could include hiring help or arranging for assisted living.  Attorneys have experience assisting clients with various medical conditions and have a good idea of what is to come.

You can leverage this information and experience to your benefit. Your attorney can help you address common issues that you’ll eventually face. This helps you to have a prepared plan and not get caught unprepared.

3. Prepare Necessary Legal Documents

Agreeing on what is best is one thing. But it means nothing if you don’t memorialize it with the appropriate legal documents. Your attorney will help you prepare a durable power of attorney. This appoints one person who will hold legal responsibility for making financial decisions should your loved one become incapacitated.

They will also help you prepare a will, trust, letter of intent, and healthcare power of attorney. Your elderly loved one should have these documents in place for a smooth and efficient estate distribution after their passing. When preparing these documents, your attorney will help you structure them to last and be adaptable to your loved one’s changing condition.

If they are already incapacitated, your attorney can help you navigate addressing their needs while looking out for their best interests.

4. Protect Financial Assets

An unfortunate fact is that many elderly individuals fall victim to financial exploitation. What’s worse, this egregious act is often committed by those closest to them. You can prevent this from happening to your loved one by working with the right attorney.

First, they can review current and past financial documents for current or previous evidence of financial exploitation. Should financial exploitation be uncovered, your attorney can assist with reporting the incident to the police and pursuing a remedy. This can prevent further damage. They can also help you protect your loved one’s assets from future threats.

This ensures that there is plenty of financial backing to care for your loved one throughout the twilight years of their life. You can combine these efforts by establishing a financial power of attorney and trust.

Meet With an Attorney For Assistance With Your Elder Care

Caring for an elderly family member or friend is a big responsibility and one you shouldn’t have to do alone. Hiring an attorney ensures you have someone looking out for their best interest.  Turn to them for guidance on the necessary legal documentation, planning for the future, and protecting their financial assets.

Request a free consultation today with one of our experienced and skilled attorneys.